Mediawiki visual editor
Mediawiki visual editor

mediawiki visual editor

the parsoid extension isn't loaded, otherwise we'll conflict.


Only install these route files if we're auto-configuring and VRS, load the Parsoid extension explicitly. Generally manually configuring VRS means that you're running & !ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Parsoid' ) point to a separate cluster which has the Parsoid extension installed), so have $wgVisualEditorParsoidAutoConfig off (and $wgVirtualRestConfig set to "zero configuration" VisualEditor experience. For the 1.35 LTS, Parsoid is loaded from includes/VEParsoid to provide a Visual Editor not working when editing or creating a page with : or / characters in the Title. T270376: VisualeEditor: Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 404) Mentioned Here T264009: Addings Sitelinks should consistently call APIs via the backend/PHP, not Javascript T265043: "Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 403)" when trying to edit an existing page with VisualEditor T266970: VisualEditor in 1.36-alpha with zeroconfig Parsoid throws 'Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 404)' T268953: MW 1.35.0 "Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server: http-bad-status" when editing a subpage

mediawiki visual editor

Visual Editor not working when editing a page with "/" or "\" T274989: Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 404) T279203: Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server: (curl error: 7) Couldn't connect to server Mentioned In T270377: VisualEditor throws "Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 500)" on fresh installation


When attempting to edit a page i do see the Wiki Editor, but the actual content of the page is gone and the loading icon is persistent as in the picture below that should technically show a lot of headlines and text, as the page is full of it. Unfortunately the Visual Editor is nontheless not working on any of the wikis, neither the global one in the root nor the family wikis. (Replacing /en with the respective subfolder, of course) Out-of-the-box with that setup the Visual Editor errors out with ' Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 404)' on all localized wikis in subfolders but in the global wiki in the root.Ĭonfiguring manually the following URLs for each family wiki will remove that error. This done with a basic symlink setup as described on the respective Wiki-Family mediawiki page and works fine. I'm maintaining a small Wiki-Family with a global wiki only for images in the root folder (hidden to users, they don't get there without knowing direct links) and localized wikis in subfolders (/de, /en, etc.). I'm writing this report in the assumption that Visual Editor is supposed to work 'out-of-the-box' which it doesn't for me - i actually didn't get it to work at all yet.Ĭoming from here others seem to have the same issues.

Mediawiki visual editor