Ideal wake up time
Ideal wake up time

9:00 am Outdoor play, outings, errands, activities, etc.7:30 am Wake up | Read | Play | Quiet time.This is when I’ve seen my toddlers the happiest! Sample schedule #1 – 24 month old Knowing that most two year-olds need 12-14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, this leaves 1-2 hours for an afternoon nap. My favorite toddler bedtime is 7:30 pm with a 6:30 am wake up time, creating a ballpark estimate of 11 hours of nighttime sleep.

ideal wake up time

Protect this time as much as possible for a happier toddler! That’s because toddlers sleep the deepest between 8 pm and midnight. Toddlers naturally fall into a circadian rhythm that is ballpark similar to when the sun sets and rises.Īn early bedtime routine can also play a significant role in kids falling asleep faster and waking up rested. In my experience and in working with hundreds of parents, ideal wake times are between 6-8 am and ideal bedtimes are between 6-8 pm. I’ve included three specific samples below that you can customize for your child. Sleep schedules for 2 year-olds that work.Ĭheck out my sample sleep routines for toddlers that help kids fall asleep faster and wake up happy. (You want to know that they actually work!)

ideal wake up time

I rounded up several 2 year-old sleep schedules from stay-at-home moms who currently use and loved them. Without realizing it, you’re now dealing with a very strong willed toddler. Then on top of all that, when a two year old isn’t sleeping well, they start throwing more temper tantrums, followed by incessant whining and a good dose of back talk.

Ideal wake up time